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Welcome to the Friends of South Darley School (FOSDS) webpage.  As parents, we volunteer our time, along with our amazing committee and members, to help raise money for the benefit of the children at South Darley CE Primary School.

All parents and carers at South Darley CE Primary School are automatically supporters of FOSDS when their child joins the school.  It is your association and FOSDS committee members are happy to help in any way that we can.

What is Friends of South Darley CE Primary School?

FOSDS is an open community of parent volunteers working alongside the school/teachers/and other 'friends' to benefit the school and ensure the best educational experience for all the pupils.

How does FOSDS benefit school?

Parents and carers have a big impact on how well their children do at school.  Taking an active role in FOSDS is one of the ways you can make a difference and get involved:

  • FOSDS raises money to fund school initiatives through charity activities and events. Our current project is to provide new playground equipment for the pupils.
  • FOSDS provides a social support network for parents.
  • FOSDS are always seeking volunteers to help run FOSDS events - even 5 minutes at an event helps!

Our Events.

FOSDS takes pride in ensuring the children have fun raising money for the school.  We try to make events affordable for parents and enjoyable for everyone.  Previously we have held:

  • A local walk and pub social event
  • A Valentines Disco
  • A Plant Sale
  • Monthly cake or ice cream sales
  • A Queens Jubilee Party
  • A Kings Coronation Party
  • Regular raffles with prizes donated from local businesses

We still have lots more fun to come this year as we are planning our Sports Day after event social, a Body Shop Party and a Christmas Fayre.

How can you help?

All our parents, grandparents and carers are automatically members of FOSDS, but we always seek those who can help us run a cake stall, wrap presents, bake cakes, organise events, design posters or even provide entertainment at events.  If you have any specific skills and feel you could assist us, even just for 5 minutes, please do let us know - we need YOUR help to make FOSDS events happen!

Please don't think working or having smaller children at home means you can't help.  You really can.  Some of our most active mums and dads work full time or have other commitments.  Time commitments don't need to be much - even 5 minutes can help sometimes!

We all have lives away from school, and it is OK to say no. We have to strike a happy balance, but with more volunteers, FOSDS will be all the better as we can share the load.

If you would like more information on becoming an active member of FOSDS, please get in touch with the school at any time and, as always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school.  

Best wishes