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Policies & Documents

Please find all of the school's policies below.

  1. Access to Personal Information - PN398
  2. Administration of Medicines - PN388
  3. Adverse Weather Snow and Ice Policy - PN8
  4. Allergy Policy - PN314
  5. Assessment Policy - PN373
  6. Behaviour and Discipline Policy - PN210
  7. British Values Policy - PN367
  8. BYOD Policy - PN431
  9. Charging, Debt, Remissions, Extended Debt and Lettings Policy - PN214
  10. Child Car Seat Policy - PN396
  11. Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy - PN357
  12. Child Protection Policy Addendum - PN358
  13. Child Protection Record Keeping Policy - PN282
  14. Children Missing Education Policy - PN229
  15. Code of Conduct for Parents - PN438
  16. Collective Worship Policy - PN211
  17. Complaints Procedure for external complaints - Advice Guidance and Information - PN421
  18. Complaints Procedures for external complaints - PN420
  19. Confidential Reporting Code (Whistleblowing Policy) - PN203
  20. Data Protection Framework - PN403
  21. Data Protection Policy - PN332
  22. Dinner Money Policy - PN233
  23. Disability Equality Scheme, Accessibilty Plan and Reasonable Adjustments Policy - PN235
  24. Disclosure & Barring Service Policy - PN237
  25. Drug Education and Incident Management Policy - PN199
  26. E-Safety Policy - PN225
  27. Equalities Policy - PN200
  28. Equality and diversity statement - PN201
  29. External Contributors and Speakers Policy - PN385
  30. Extremism and Radicalisation Policy - PN339
  31. Fair Access Protocols - PN335
  32. Fire Safety Management Policy - PN383
  33. First Aid Provision Policy - PN394
  34. Freedom Of Information Policy - PN428
  35. Governing Body Governors Code of Conduct - PN346
  36. Governing Body Governors Roles and Responsibilities - PN347
  37. Governing Body Instrument of Government - PN344
  38. Governing Body Terms of Reference - Appeals and Complaints - PN252
  39. Governing Body Terms of Reference - Performance Management - PN353
  40. Governing Body Terms of Reference - PN367
  41. Governing Body Terms of Reference - Resources - PN361
  42. Governing Body Terms of Reference - Standards and Achievement - PN352
  43. Governing Body Working Together - A Code of Practice - PN345
  44. Governors Expenses Policy - PN354
  45. Governors Protocols for Visits to Classrooms - PN349
  46. Handwriting Policy - PN224
  47. Health, Safety and Welfare Policy including Risk Assessments - PN386
  48. Home School Agreement - PN368
  49. Image Use Policy - PN404
  50. Insurance Claims against School Website Declaration - PN300
  51. Intimate and Personal Care Policy - PN216
  52. Lockdown Procedures for Parents - Website Information - PN426
  53. Lost Property and Liability Policy - PN260
  54. Marking and Feedback Policy - PN444
  55. Off Site Visit Policy - PN355
  56. Online Safety Policy - PN266
  57. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix A PN294 -
  58. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix B Brook Traffic Light Tool - PN294
  59. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix C - PN294
  60. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix C1 - PN294
  61. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix C2 - PN294
  62. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix C3 - PN294
  63. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix C4 - PN294
  64. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix C5 - PN294
  65. Peer on Peer Policy - Appendix D - PN294
  66. Peer On Peer Policy - PN294
  67. Peer On Peer Policy Guidance - PN294
  68. Privacy Impact Assesment Procedures - PN413
  69. Privacy Notice Governors - PN338
  70. Privacy Notice Pupils - PN333
  71. Privacy Notice Workforce - PN334
  72. Private Fostering Policy -PN268
  73. Remote learning policy - PN434
  74. Safer Working Practices staff and volunteer policy - PN324
  75. School Data Breach Policy - PN417
  76. Security Policy - PN219
  77. Sex & Relationship Education Policy - PN374
  78. Smoke Free Policy - PN424
  79. Social Media Policy - PN430
  80. Special Category Data Policy - PN433
  81. Special Educational Needs Disability Information Report - PN441
  82. Special Educational Needs Disability Policy - PN442
  83. Statement of Principles of Behaviour - PN375
  84. Statement of Safeguarding Principles - PN196
  85. Student Placement and Work Experience in School Policy - PN422
  86. Sun Awareness Policy - PN425
  87. Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions Policy including outbreak guidance for diarrhoea and vomiting - PN416
  88. Teaching Learning and Curriculum Policy - PN444
  89. Transporting Pupils in cars - PN405
  90. Volunteers Policy - PN284
  91. Whole School Food Policy - PN423
  92. Wrap around care policy - PN342